A Nite At The Races, Inc. makes its copyrighted
races available in DVD, VHS and 16mm motion picture film. Our races
are provided to your organization on a “rental basis”
for a specific showing date and it is advisable to place your order
at least one month in advance of your event. It is our practice to
ship the Racing Kit and its contents to arrive one week prior to your
showing date. In this manner you can inspect the contents and review
all the supplies provided. Payment is required in order to ship your
order and to keep our rental fees reasonable for non-profit organizations
we do not accept credit cards. If your order contains “advertising
materials”, these items will be shipped the day your order and
payment are received in our office. The estimated shipping charges
that appear on our Rental Order Form merely covers the cost of shipping
the standard basic kit and its contents. When additional items are
ordered, the weight of the parcel increases and you will incur additional
shipping charges, especially for advertising materials which ship
in advance of the Racing Kit and its contents. NEW
Please print and fill out the PRICE
LISTING – RENTAL ORDER FORM. Mail this form to our office
along with your payment and a “First Time User Letter”
on your organizations stationary. See Rental Form for details. Upon
receipt of your order an invoice will be mailed to you confirming
the items ordered, the shipping date of your order and our rental
policy. If you provide us with your email address, we will forward
you a United Parcel Service “tracking number” the day
your order leaves our office.
The races provided by "A Nite At The Races, Inc." are
our exclusive copyrighted productions. All of our races are shot
by our cinematographers at major American race tracks and are not
available for sale. Rentals must be placed back into transit to
our office on the very next business day following your scheduled
use via United Parcel Service, insured for $800.00 against loss.
Return packets and instructions for return are provided with all
orders. Return shipment of "races" is at customer's expense.
Late charges will be instituted if our races are not back in our
office within seven (7) business days after your date of use. Our
policy is stated on our rental invoice and on our website. See
Price Listing – Rental Order Form for details.
All the game supplies that we have provided such as Officlal Race
Programs, Mutuel Tickets, etc., are yours to keep. The next time
you place an order, you will receive completely different races
and color coded supplies.
If you have specific questions, a Customer Service Representative
will be happy to be of assistance to you. Our office hours are Monday
through Friday, 9:00 a.m. through 2 p.m. Eastern Standard Time.
After 2:00 p.m. our staff transfers to our race track facility where
we handle cable feeds for broadcast television.
Fundraising is accomplished through attendance
donations, sponsoring-a-horse (horse ownership) and by soliciting
merchant advertisers and sponsors for your A Nite At The Races®
social event. Attendance Donations:
If you expect 200 people to attend your event and each person pays
$20.00 for an "attendance donation" ticket, you have raised
$4,000.00. Sponsoring-A-Horse (Horse Ownership):
Most organizations run 10 races with 10 horses running in each race.
If you sell 100 Sponsoring-A-Horse donations at $20.00 each, you have
raised $2,000.00 in advance of your social event.
Merchant Advertisers and Sponsors: Many businesses
are more than willing to donate a sponsorship for an advertisement
to appear on your custom printed race programs. If you sell 20 sponsorships
at $100.00 each, you have raised $2,000.00 in advance of your social
event. Jockey Names: This is
a similar idea to Sponsoring-A-Horse, however, people or businesses
donate $20.00 to own a Jockey Name of their choice. If you sell 100
Jockey Names at $20.00 each, you have raised an additional $2,000.00
in advance of your social event. The winning jockey of each race is
entitled to a prize or the names of all the winners are placed within
a drawing box for a prize drawing at the conclusion of your event.
Many organizations produce a list of Jockey Names on their computer
and place several listings on each table in the meeting room.
Auction Race: In advance of your social
event you may solicit "Auction Race Donations" for the last
race to be played. You can sell as many "Auction Race" donations
as desired. This is the big race of your event and a valuable prize
is awarded to the person or company who has made the highest Auction
Race donation. We have heard of organizations giving away a television
set, a DVD player, an MP3 player, etc. Let's assume that the last
race of your event is the 10th Race. Make your own "Auction Race
Tickets" similar to the sample shown below.
Auction Race No. 10 - Horse No. 1
Auction Race Owner: ________________________ Auction Race Donation
Telephone: ________________________ Email: ____________________________________
Other interesting ideas include ... 50/50
Raffles: This concept has been around for ages and is an
excellent money maker. Prize Auctions:
People donate prizes in advance of your event. Place the prizes on
display so that people can bid on them.
Ingenuity by committee members can best determine what method of raising
funds will be used by your organization.
The "Number Narration Kit" and the "Past
Performance Kit" are our most popular racing kits.
Number Narration Kit - The professional racetrack announcer
calls these races by the horses' saddle cloth numbers. The programs
that are supplied with this kit have silly/comical names for the horses,
not the horse's real name in real life. Past
Performance Kit - The professional racetrack announcer calls these
races by the horse's actual names. The programs that are supplied
with this kit have the horse's actual names in real life. In addition,
the programs feature statistics showing how the horses have performed
in the past.
The above Race Kits contain supplies for 200 guests: Click
Here For Free Literature
- 200 Official Souvenir Race Programs.
- Two Sets of Mutuel Wagering Tickets (Betting Tickets). Each
set contains (25) tickets for each horse. This will allow you
to have two ticket sellers in your meeting room.
- 200 Daily Double Tickets (2 pads of 100 tickets each).
- 1500 Funny Money bills in $1.00 denominations.
- Odds Computation (Control) Sheets for each race and the Daily
- One Toteboard Poster used to record the winning horse in each
race and the horse's payoff.
- Master of Ceremonies Guide that provides instructions for the
M.C. to explain "A Nite At The Races®" to your audience.
- Easy to understand Instructions for playing A Nite At The Races®.
- Arrange the room so that everyone in attendance will be able
to view the races without interference.
- Assign two Mutuel Ticket Sellers and a Daily Double Ticket
Seller in the opposite corners of your meeting room.
- Greet guests as they enter the room. Guests are given a Souvenir
Race Program and Funny Money.
- Master of Ceremonies to welcome your guests and explain how
"A Nite At The Races"® is played, the minimum bet,
- Allow 15-20 minutes for the sale of Mutuel Wagering Tickets
for each race. Actual viewing time for each race is approximately
4 ½ minutes.
- Once the betting windows are closed, the payoff's are calculated
for each horse and announced to the audience prior to the running
of each race.
- Funny Money payoffs are made to the winners of each race along
with a prize drawing ticket.
First, determine the approximate number of guests
that will be present for your A Nite At The Races® fun or fundraising
social event. (Keep in mind that our most popular fundraising Kits
are the "Number Narration Kit" and the "Past
Performance Kit". These two kits include 1500 bills of Funny
Money in the $1.00 denomination.) Next, determine a minimum bet. We
suggest a minimum bet of $2.00 per ticket, as well as the Daily Double.
Most organizations only allow one bet per race, but this can be altered
if desired. For example, if you are playing ten (10) races and a Daily
Double game, each player is given $22.00 worth of Funny Money. There
are, however, organizations who give greater sums of Funny Money to
each player. Keep in mind, larger denominations make payouts faster
and easier. We also offer $2.00 bills, $5.00 bills and $10.00 bills,
shrink wrapped (500) bills per package. If your organization desires,
you can give each player more Funny Money to allow for additional
wagering. If you decide to give additional Funny Money to each player;
you should order extra sets of Mutuel Tickets (betting tickets) to
accommodate additional wagering. Reminder:
Retain at least $500.00 in Funny Money for your Tickets Sellers. Having
enough Funny Money is important, so do calculate the amount you will
need based on the number of guests that will be present for your event.
Having more Funny Money than is needed is better than not having enough
Funny Money.
The "Number Narration Kit" and "Past
Performance Kit" include two sets of Mutuel Wagering Tickets.
The two sets equal a total of fifty (50) betting tickets for each
horse in each race and will allow you to have two (2) Ticket Sellers
in your meeting room. Each Ticket Seller has twenty-five (25) betting
tickets for each horse.
For each additional one hundred players, we suggest ordering one additional
set of Mutuel Tickets for the number of races you have ordered. The
two sets we provide will easily accommodate 200 guests.
When the betting windows are declared closed for
each race, the Mutuel Ticket boards are turned over to the person
who has been chosen to compute the Funny Money payoffs for each horse.
The payoffs are computed using the "Ticket Computation (Control)
Sheets" provided with your Race Kit.
Prior to the running of each race, your Master of Ceremonies announces
the Funny Money payoffs for each horse. At this point your audience
is filled with excitement and ready to root, cheer and shout for their
horse to win the race.
There are organizations that prefer not to compute true payoffs based
on the actual number of bets made on each horse. These groups merely
write-in arbitrary payoff figures for each horse on the Ticket Computation
(Control) Sheets for each race to be played. This is done in advance
of your event and obviously saves time in computing true payoffs.
Many people feel intimidated with this procedure
but it is extremely easy to compute the payoffs for each race. "Ticket
Computation (Control) Sheets" are provided for each race making
computing the payoffs a very simple procedure.
Tickets sold for each "race horse" in a race are referred
to as Mutuel Tickets or Betting Tickets. The Mutuel Tickets are specially
numbered and provide a ticket count for each horse as the tickets
are being sold. When you close the betting windows for each race,
you will know exactly how many tickets were sold on each horse by
merely looking at the "horse number" mounted on the ticket
board and viewing the digital number printed in the lower right hand
corner of the ticket. Mutuel Tickets start at 00 and end at 24, totaling
25 tickets mounted on each ticket board. Remove the 00 ticket and
the next ticket down is 01, 02, 03, etc. This count represents the
tickets sold for that respective horse number. When the betting windows
are closed for each race, follow step 1 through step 3.
Step 1 Enter the total number of bets made on each
horse onto the Tickets Computation (Control) Sheet.
Step 2 Add the total number of bets made on "all
the horses" in the race and enter that figure onto the Ticket
Computation (Control) sheet. This is a simple process of addition.
Step 3 To obtain the "payoff"
for each horse, merely divide the number of bets made on "each
horse" into the Funny Money pool collected. For example: A total
of 200 bets were made at $2.00 totaling $400.00 in Funny Money. There
were twenty bets made on horse #3. Twenty (20) bets divided into $400.00
equals a $20.00 payoff to all the winners, assuming that horse #3
won the race. You will also receive a simple to use "Payoff Computation
Chart" with your order. This chart gives you the correct payoff
on each horse in a race without the use of a calculator. Computing
the payoffs for other games that may be played are calculated in a
similar manner and you should not be intimidated in ordering exotic
games like the Exacta, the Quinella, etc.
The same volunteers who sell the Mutuel Wagering
Tickets will become the Cashier and dispense Funny Money payouts.
When a player receives their Funny Money winnings, they should also
be given a perforated two-part serial numbered ticket to be used for
prize drawings. One part of the ticket is retained by the player and
the other part of the ticket is placed within a "Winner's Box"
for prize drawings. Double Roll Coupon Tickets are available for sale
on our Rental Order Form. Prize drawings can take place at the end
of your event or if desired, drawings can be made after each race.
Most organizations prefer to draw prizes upon completion of the last
horse race. This is most desirable since people will stay to the end
of your event for prize drawings which also creates a lot of fun and
At the conclusion of the event, prize drawings
are conducted. Draw tickets at random from the "Winner's Box"
for the number of "donated prizes" you have on hand. Some
organizations prefer an "auction" whereby players use their
Funny Money winnings to bid for prizes on display. If this method
is used, a prize "drawing ticket" is not necessary. Players
use the Funny Money they have won to bid for prizes on display. Each
donated prize has a price tag affixed with a dollar value and participants
can bid over that value in order to win the prize. Another interesting
idea is to have a "Loser's Box" for consolation prizes to
be drawn. Make an announcement prior to play that each player with
a "loosing ticket" is to print their name on the back of
their ticket and deposit the loosing ticket into a "Loser's Box"
for prize drawings. Your guests will need something to write with!
Don't forget to order golf pencils on page 3 of our Rental Order Form.
Prior to your event, solicit people or businesses
to donate $20.00 (or more) to "own" a race horse. This creates
additional income for your organization and the winning horse sponsor
receives a prize if their horse wins the race. If you are running
ten races with ten horses running in each race, you have an opportunity
to obtain one hundred donations to Sponsor-A-Horse. Selling Horse
Ownerships is a simple process. Assign one person to sell Horse Ownerships
for Race No. 1, another person to sell ownerships for Race No. 2,
etc. You will be surprised how fast you can sell 100 Horse Ownerships!
In addition, many organizations print their own Race Programs which
allows the sponsor to name their horse, name the owner, and name the
jockey. Printing your own personalized Race Programs adds that special
touch and creates fun and laughter as your audience reads the funny
names and comments. Organizations that are interested in Sponsoring-A-Horse
should order a "Number Narration" kit with ten or twelve
horses running in each race. Sponsoring-A-Horse Tickets are available
on page 3 of our Rental Order Form.
To advertise your event, we offer full color Post
Cards, 8 ½ x 11" Advertising Slicks, and large 17 ½
"x 22 ½ " full color Advertising Posters. In addition,
we offer a range of products to dress up your event! Colorful display
posters, buttons and multicolored balloons printed with "A Nite
At The Races®" name and logo.
Daily Double
Player picks a horse to win in two races back to back. We suggest
running the Daily Double on the 4th and 5th races. The Daily Double
is a separate bet and has nothing to do with regular wagering. For
example: Player picks 6 and 2. The 6 horse must win the 4th race and
the 2 horse must win the 5th race for the player to win the Daily
Double. Exacta
Player picks two horses to come in 1st and 2nd position in one race.
The two horses picked must finish exactly as chosen. The Exacta can
be played in any race as a separate wager. For example: Player picked
2 and 7. To win 2 and 7 must be the order of the 1st and 2nd position
horses for the player to win the Exacta. Quinella
Player picks two horses to come in 1st and 2nd position in one race.
The two horses picked must finish 1st and 2nd or in the reverse order.
For example: Player picked 5 and 3. A winning ticket would be 5 and
3 or 3 and 5 to win the Quinella. Triple
Player picks three horses to come in 1st, 2nd and 3rd position. The
three horses picked must finish exactly as chosen. For example: Player
picked 2, 5 and 3. Horses must finish 2, 5, and 3 to win the Triple.
Player picks three horses in order to win the race and "adds"
up the three numbers. For example: 3, 8 and 12 are the horse numbers
picked. The three horse numbers chosen add up to 23. To "win"
any combination of the first three horses to finish the race that
"add" up to your "numbered total" is a winner.
For example: the 5, 8 and 10 horse crossed the finish line in this
exact order. These numbers add up to 23. Those players who picked
the "total number 23" are Numeracta® winners.
© MCMXC1X A Nite
At The Races, Inc. All Rights Reserved. All Trademarks Registered
with United States Patent Office. Please Note: A Nite At The Races,
Inc.® offers a game specifically played as a Recreational-Entertainment
activity and is not to be used for the purpose of gambling. If fundraising
is a major objective, please check and abide by local municipality
laws. |

3043 Jupiter Park Circle • Jupiter FL
TOLL FREE (USA) : 1.800.252.7373 / FLORIDA RESIDENTS : 561.747.3900
A Night At The Races® - a unique fundraising idea for your charitable
non-profit fundraiser. A Night At The Races® video horse racing
fundraiser is a profitable money making audience-participation social
event and entertainment idea used by Churches, Schools, Knights of
Columbus, Volunteer Fire Departments, Elks Lodges, Country Clubs,
Rotary Clubs, Jaycees, Kiwanis, Booster Clubs, VFW Posts, Little League
Baseball, Boys & Girls Clubs and numerous other non-profit charitable